Mesiba Chanukah Community Kollel 5780
Sgan Rav Lachman on Yaacov’s responsibility for Yosef”s abduction
Sgan Rav Lachman on Bitachon
Sun, 15 December 2019 = 17th of Kislev, 5780
י״ז בְּכִסְלֵו תש״
Great great Tueday Afternoon Shiur on Parsha Toldot by our Heliga Rebbe Yitzak brought Rivka to his mother Sarah’s tent after she arrived his Mother had three miracles always the shabbat candles would stay lit from one week to the next
There was always the smell and the baking of bread , The clouds of Glory would remain over the tent . All these 3 miracles resumed for Rivka( Rebbeca)
Rabbi Eliezer Lachman
Sgan Rosh Kollel
On the Akeda
Dovid Chaim Osofsky Parsha Toldota href=”https://vimeo.com/375223220″>20191122_110856 from Hillel Gottlieb on Vimeo.
20191114_Parsha Veyera Community Kollel from Hillel Gottlieb on Vimeo.
20191114_120652 from Hillel Gottlieb on Vimeo.
20191031_135555 from Hillel Gottlieb on Vimeo.
Yom Kippur Drosh
20191007_121219 from Hillel Gottlieb on Vimeo.
Important Video Rav Kostelitz on Maasay Pinchas saving Klal Israel
Rabbi Nesanel Kostelitz, shlita
Rav Nesanel Kostelitz grew up in Bnei Brak, Israel, and as a student of Rav Shmuel Wozner. Rabbi Kostelitz served as a rabbi in Australia before coming to Baltimore to serve as Rav of Machzikei Torah on Biltmore Avenue, a few blocks from the Kollel.
Rav Kostelitz shares his warmth, wisdom and scholarship freely with everyone who walks into the Kollel. His many talents talmudic sholar, popular speaker, a mohel and a posek.
A n example of Rav Kostelitz daily Daf Yomi Temurah 25_
__________________________________________________________________________The Day the earth was created
Daf Yomi
Rav Flam
Rabbi Shrage Baumgarten
- Rav Shrage 09 Av part 1 video
- Rav Shrage Tisha B Av video 2
- Historic Tisha B Av Schir
Temurah Video Schir
Rabbi Mordechai Bamberger
Rabbi Bamberger has been the driving force behind the Kollel since its inception in March 2000. In May 2015 he retired from the Social Security Administration to devote himself full time to realizing his vision of a Kollel that serves all Jews who have a thirst for knowledge, especially teens and those who did not have the benefit of a Jewish education.
Rabbi Bamberger is a native of Baltimore and a talmid of Ner Yisroel and Philadelphia yeshivos
Rabbi Simcha Baer Video Temurah
Lecturer My rebbe teacher and mussar leader
יצחק יהודה פייעראייזען
Bamidbar Devarim Dovid Chaim Osofsky
Community Kolle . Parashas Haa
1:45 pm Bi Weekly Shir
Devarim Va’eschanan ואתחנן
Part 3
Devarim Parsha Ha’Azinu
Dovid Chaim Osofsky
Mon, 7 October 2019 = 8th of Tishrei, 5780
ח׳ בְּתִשְׁרֵי תש״פ
20191007_135429 from Hillel Gottlieb on Vimeo.
Parsha Shoftim labour day
Chacham Swartz