Inspiring and educating wisdom seekers to achieve an inner transformation through Kabbalah

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Afive Course Series Covering Essential Teachings Of Kabbalah

A New And Exciting Course In Kabbalah!

Essentials Of Kabbalah

Course I – the first lecture examines the nature and meaning of Kabbalah and its various subdivisions, its Biblical and prophetic origins, and a brief overview of the sources of Kabbalistic wisdom. The second lecture discusses the reasons and prerequisites for studying Kabbalah, two approaches to Kabbalah and the goal of Jewish Mysticism. Course II – lectures 3 and 4 examines the Kabbalah of Creation or 

. We will learn about the building blocks of existence from an ancient work called the 

 or the Book of Formation. Selections from other ancient Kabbalistic works, such as the SEFER YETZIRA


Pardes Rimonim. Lecture 8 examines some major concepts in Kabbalah as found in the writings of the Arizal (Rabbi Isaac Luria), as well as the dynamic interactions between spiritual archetypes and states. Course IV  – lecture 9 presents the ideas of levels of soul-consciousness, inspiration and transcendence in the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and his followers, the Chassidic masters, through the modern era. We will study selections the systems of Chabad, Breslov, Komarna and others. Lecture 10 discusses transcendent consciousness and the purpose of existence Course V  will deal with a more in-depth examination of some of the main concepts and themes in Kabbalah, including Divine Providence (Lecture 11), Reincarnation (Lecture 12), the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life (Lecture 13), Nature and Miracle (Lecture 14). The final “lecture” of this course (Lecture 15) will be an opportunity to have a one-on-one meeting via video or audio conferencing with Rabbi Miller where you can ask any questions you may have. This is available to those who complete all five courses. 

Kabbalah For Life

Is something holding you back from living the life you want? Are you fully in sync with your inner core, with your values, strengths and talents? Are you using your strengths and talents productively and to the fullest? Are you unsure of what your next steps should be? Do you feel that you should be in a better place? Let the

ancient wisdom of Kabbalah be your guide! To see how Kabbalah can help you, read on.

What Is Kabbalah?

Kabbalah (or Cabala or Qabala)means “the received tradition” or "the wisdom that is received" for it could not have been obtained through analysis and logical inquiry. It also derives from a word meaning "alignment," "correspondence" or "parallel," for Kabbalah seeks to align the lower worlds with the higher worlds, and synchronize human consciousness with Divine consciousness, one's unique strengths and talents.withone's purpose in life. Kabbalah (or Jewish Mysticism) is one of the four modes of interpretation of the Torah, the Bible. Each mode of explanation corresponds to a different plane of spiritual reality, with Kabbalah being the deepest.

tikkun --

Decoding Kabbalah In  Life

This is the basis of the method we use in our private coaching sessions, dealing with life's issues

Kabbalah Applied

The Kabbalistic Masters of the modern era, including Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, Rabbi Isaac Luria (the Arizal), Rabbi Chaim Vital, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov and their disciples were wary of transmitting the secrets of 

Kabbalah Maasit 

(Practical Kabbalah). Indeed, they even forbade some aspects of its use due to the lofty spiritual levels it demands in order to use it faithfully and effectively.

However, they did not ban the practical 


of Kabbalistic principles; on the contrary, the entire purpose of the revelation of Kabbalah and its latest evolution in Chassidic teachings was intended to transform a person of ordinary stature into one whose natural soul powers become Godly powers. [

The World Of Tikkun



B'Shaa Sh'hikdimu 5772 vol. 2p. 673.]


Tikkun  (also spelled 

rectification, restitution, orresynchronization, signifying the synthesis and re-unification of a state of disunity and fragmentation introduced by a primordial cosmic event called "the shattering of the vessels."The specifics of how and why these vessels shattered is not of concern for now; suffice it to say that rectification and rebuilding is required. A similar event can take place in human consciousness, where the resulting disorientation or distortions (or even  breakdown in some cases) can have serious consequences on the quality of a person's life. Even people who are generally healthy and competent can experience frustration, anxiety, sadness, anger, confusion, alienation, hopelessness, strained relationships, and can become overwhelmed with stress. T his state is not unusual except in extreme manifestations. It is also not irreparable; on the contrary, according to the Arizal (Rabbi Isaac Luria 1534-1572), father of modern Kabbalah, the entire overarching purpose of human existence is to repair and restore the shattered vessels these states represent and thus elicit illumination from above. This is the process of 


Kabbalah and Chassidic teachings provide us with the perspectives by which we can understand ourselves and the world, and a framework with which we can live our lives to the fullest.Of course the objective is not information per se, but

The process begins with building a kabbalistic profile of your core strengths (strengths that energize you, feel authentic, and are readily identifiable) which are the clue to understanding your purpose in life. We then help you devise a framework forutilizing those strengths in fulfilling your life's purpose. We also help strategize short and long-term goals and how they can be achieved in a way that is accessible and can be implemented practically. We have found that even small changes can impact a person’s life dramatically. The ancient kabbalistic methods we use are designed for people who are generally healthy and competent, but who want to improve the quality of their lives, or are feeling out of sync and want to get back in the zone. 


When a person discovers their mission in life and and utilizes their core strengths to the fullest extent they achieve a sense of fulfillment, well-being and happiness. Since we focus on the positive, on what works, and on what works best; primarily on successes, not on problems, obstacles and deficiencies, we expect to see greater positivity, optimism, happiness and satisfaction with life, in school and on the job. We expect to see significant progress towards accomplishing goals that are in sync with your core strengths and values and with what makes life purposeful and meaningful for you. As mentioned before,the purpose of the revelation of Kabbalah and its latest evolution in Chassidic teachings was in order to transform a person of ordinary stature into one whose natural soul powers become Godly powers. You can begin the process for yourself by scheduling a free consultation below.

rectification. A basic premise of Kabbalistic philosophy is that problems cannot be solved at the same level where they were created. A person ideally needs to achieve a higher spiritual awareness in order to bring his or her essence and their persona below in sync. So we focus on providing a new way of looking at things and uplifting, practical solutions and their implementation rather than focusing on problems and their origins in the past or the present. Decoding your particular mission through the practical applications of Kabbalistic principles, and illuminating the path ahead of you, gives life purpose and meaning.

Request a consultation by clicking on the "Get Started" button below and send an email with your contact info and when you can be contacted

Rabbi Moshe Miller

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